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Friday, September 23, 2011

UAR Satellite to Fall In US ? Watch from Australia

UARS Track as shown by the latest calculations from CalSky.

A quick update on the re-entry of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). CalSky is currently predicting that around September 24, 0 UT (that's 10 am AEST) the satellite will hit the atmosphere and burn up, producing a bright meteor-like train as it does.

The current ground track suggests that the satellite will burn up over the Atlantic Ocean. However, the uncertainty in it's orbit is still high, and its orbit is still evolving. You can check its progress on CalSky or Heavens Above from your site, just in case it burns up over your skies. Southern Australians might see it flash through the dawn sky around 6:00 am.

An another report shows that the debris may fall in US

The man, who has not made a mistake, probably never did anything new! A E.